Yummy Yakiniku!

Josh and I hopped on the train tonight and headed for the center of town, since we were so tired of spending every evening cleaning and organizing our house. We went to a Korean BBQ restaurant (aka Yakiniku) and enjoyed a feast of meat and seafood that we cooked and marinated for ourselves right at our table. The squid was a little crazy, but the beef, scallops, and shrimp were quite good! Unfortunately, the shrimp came with its head, shell, and everything and we weren't sure if we should cook it like that or take off the shell and head and then cook it....Anyway, like most of our other eating experiences here we do a lot of trial and error and hope that we're not offending anyone with the way we eat. We've gotten a few hints on chopstick etiquette, but will continue to learn how to navigate the eating establishments of Japan! Josh enjoyed mixing up a bit of soy sauce, garlic, pepper, and spices that we used for marinade and dipping sauce and we had a nice relaxing meal before returning home so we could clean and organize for a few more hours.

You should try uploading some videos. Your digi camera has sound, right? just upload them to www.blip.tv and link to them from your blog using the hyperlink thingy. Your house looks sweet. Can't wait to come visit. Have an awesome Sunday or Monday or whatever day it is there!
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