Friday, September 26, 2008


To our blog reading faithful, (and to those who stop by from time to time as well!)

My sincere apologies for not posting anything for well over a month. Our transition back to the U.S of A has proved to be a little more overwhelming than we were prepared for. However, we are slowly starting to feel settled in here and just got word today that our furniture and household goods will be delivered next Friday. (After just 7 weeks of living in a completely empty house...ahhhhhhhh!...who knew that could be so stressful!)

I have some photo highlights of our first travels back in the States that I will post shortly.

In other news, Elise is now walking with quite a bit of speed and has decided that she LOVES being outside. She wakes up most mornings at 6:30am and after "asking" to get out of bed, she promptly says "ruf" which translates to "Mom, can we go outside and look for dogs now?!" We usually manage to have a bite of breakfast and play a little inside before she brings me her shoes and my shoes and waits at the door for me to join her. And so begins our day...usually the first of 5 or 6 walks around the neighborhood. Now that fall is upon us she is also quite keen on acorns, squirrels, and pine cones - there's so much to see and she loves every moment of it! We pretty much know every dog and cat on the two blocks surrounding our home - hopefully one of these days, I'll get to know the people as well!

All is well with Baby Arthur #2, set to debut into the world on or around February 27th. Mathematically speaking, that makes me about 17 weeks along. It's must harder to keep track this time around and since I'm hardly ever sick. Plus, Elise keeps us plenty busy so my brain is always a tad distracted!

Josh had a killer first rotation at the hospital, but things are a little more relaxed this month. (he's working in a clinic) He's still got lots to catch up on in the pediatric world, but at least his schedule is a little more manageable this month.

Well, there's a little update on our life here in Norfolk. I promise I will post some pictures soon!