Hiking at Mt. Fuji and other adventures...
We booked a "villa" in a town called Gotenba which is near Hakone and the foothills of Mt. Fuji. We arrived in the early afternoon on Saturday, took a nap, relaxed in our room, and went out for dinner and a walk in the evening. It was perfect autumn weather and the leaves were just starting to show some color, so it was particularly refreshing.
One day Elise will get to tell her friends that she ate and had a diaper change at the bottom of a crater on Mt. Fuji. (well, maybe not the diaper changing part!) She was a great sport - all bundled up in several layers of fleece and other clothing with socks on her hands for mittens! (being a July baby, this was her first experience with chilly weather!)
After walking up and down in piles of scree (an accumulation of loose stones or rocky debris lying on a slope or at the base of a hill or cliff - thank you webster's) for several hours, we decided to take a more stable wooded trail back to our car. We then had dinner on our way to the hotel and enjoyed another quiet and relaxing evening in Gotenba.
On Monday we woke up to another beautiful day with clear blue skies and thought that surely we would be able to catch some great views of Fuji before we headed home...those hopes were quickly dashed as we drove back towards the mountain. The closer we got to the mountain, the darker and more foreboding the sky became. We kept going and arrived at another 5th station location with a light rain falling and dark clouds all around. By the time I fed Elise, the rain had kind of stopped, so we decided to hike around for a few hours before leaving for Yokosuka. This time we hiked a more horizontal trail around the base of the mountain - though woods, over bridges, and along hardened lava slides. We didn't see anyone else the whole time we were hiking, so it was kind of like having the mountain to ourselves.
Hopefully, we'll catch some clear views of Mt. Fuji when we go back to hike and camp in the spring. For now, we're just so thankful for the fun and relaxing weekend that we had!
that shot of the rarely spotted Mt. Fuji elf sitting on top of the sign is really quite remarkable! What a wee, adorable creature!!
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