More Fun in Japan...
Well...I'm hoping that this blog entry will be a bit therapeutic for me since I'm feeling quite sad that our wonderful month of welcoming Elise into the world and sharing her with our families has come to an end. (I also cried, slept and ate junk food all afternoon, but that didn't do anything except give me puffy eyes and a stomach ache!)
It's been a pretty exhausting four weeks, but we've enjoyed so many laughs and shared so many great memories that it's hard to think of adjusting to just the three of us being so far away from so many of our favorite people once again. It's also a bit overwhelming to think of life without several sidekicks who have been doing all our dishes, watching Elise, changing diapers, packing lunches, cooking dinners, etc...even with all that help, it was still hard to get out of the house before eleven!! Now what?!?!
Okay, enough of me feeling sorry for I'll show you some highlights of the last few weeks!!
Josh gets to challenge Lydia in "The Drum Game" - his favorite Japanese video game!
Walking along the sea wall with Grandma and Aunt Lydia!
Everyone loves the sushi-go-round!
Looking for sea glass and treasures on the beach.
Showing Grandpa Arthur the sights in Tokyo - here we are at the temple in Harajuku.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....Napping with Grandma.
Taking in the views along the river in Yokohama.
Bath time with Aunt Hannah!! Who knew that little babies could get so stinky!?!
We escaped from Yokosuka and took a ferry over to Chiba prefecture, then got in a cable car and went up to find the largest buddha in Japan.
Found it!!
Hooray for Elise, she's one month old now!!! She's holding her head up on her own sometimes and beginning to smile in response to people talking to her - what a sweetie!
It's been a pretty exhausting four weeks, but we've enjoyed so many laughs and shared so many great memories that it's hard to think of adjusting to just the three of us being so far away from so many of our favorite people once again. It's also a bit overwhelming to think of life without several sidekicks who have been doing all our dishes, watching Elise, changing diapers, packing lunches, cooking dinners, etc...even with all that help, it was still hard to get out of the house before eleven!! Now what?!?!
Okay, enough of me feeling sorry for I'll show you some highlights of the last few weeks!!

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