Welcome Home, Elise!
After driving mom and dad bonkers by crying inconsolably through our first full night in the hospital, Elise's demeanor improved remarkably on day #2 as Rebecca's milk came in and we all benefited from her food coma. We were grateful for the constant stream of guests, flowers and gifts during our two days in the hospital; Rebecca especially appreciated it while I was at work during the day.

This morning, after about 60 hours in the hospital, we were ready to go home. The timing was perfect, since before then, Rebecca hadn't really been able to walk very well. I spent the morning trying to decipher the blueprints for our stroller/car seat combo and then we set off for home. The picture below is Elise arriving at our home for the first time!
Since we've gotten home, we've slept a lot, cleaned a little, taken lots of not very candid photographs and video (to be posted when I get the energy to do so) eaten a small fraction of the multiple meals that Kelley Gilbert made for us (yum!) and fed and changed Elise a lot.
Oh yeah, here is our mailing address for all of those who have requested it:
Josh, Rebecca and Elise Arthur
PSC 473 Box 1541
FPO, AP 96349
You can mail us things just like you would in the US - except that slower mail options (Parcel Post, Media Mail) can take over a month to arrive. Usually, Priority Mail and First Class take about a week. Also, you should probably insure your packages since we've lost a few. You will have to use USPS - other services will not mail to FPO boxes, which is very sad when we try to order things online.
By the way, don't worry about that little finger gesture Elise is making in the picture to the right. She doesn't mean anything by it; we are working with her on being a little more ladylike!
We've really enjoyed everyone's emails and comments. We'll do our best to reply as soon as we can. We are blessed to have so many wonderful friends!
This morning, after about 60 hours in the hospital, we were ready to go home. The timing was perfect, since before then, Rebecca hadn't really been able to walk very well. I spent the morning trying to decipher the blueprints for our stroller/car seat combo and then we set off for home. The picture below is Elise arriving at our home for the first time!
Since we've gotten home, we've slept a lot, cleaned a little, taken lots of not very candid photographs and video (to be posted when I get the energy to do so) eaten a small fraction of the multiple meals that Kelley Gilbert made for us (yum!) and fed and changed Elise a lot.
Oh yeah, here is our mailing address for all of those who have requested it:
Josh, Rebecca and Elise Arthur
PSC 473 Box 1541
FPO, AP 96349
You can mail us things just like you would in the US - except that slower mail options (Parcel Post, Media Mail) can take over a month to arrive. Usually, Priority Mail and First Class take about a week. Also, you should probably insure your packages since we've lost a few. You will have to use USPS - other services will not mail to FPO boxes, which is very sad when we try to order things online.
By the way, don't worry about that little finger gesture Elise is making in the picture to the right. She doesn't mean anything by it; we are working with her on being a little more ladylike!
We've really enjoyed everyone's emails and comments. We'll do our best to reply as soon as we can. We are blessed to have so many wonderful friends!
I looked at the pic' of the un-ladylike gesture before reading your commentary on it ... I'd've thought you'd be rather proud!
Thanks for the (albeit breif) skype sessions. What an amazing bundle of knit-togetherness. CONGRATS!!
~ AA
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