Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Hina Matsuri

Hina Matsuri is a traditional Japanese holiday that takes place each year on the 3rd day of the 3rd month. It is also known as "Doll's Day" or "Girl's Day" and is considered a special day to pray for the growth and happiness of young girls. (and to help insure that they grow up to be beautiful and healthy!) The doll displays always contain the emperor and empress and can range from the very simple to the very elaborate. Grandparents often give their granddaughters these ornamental dolls when they are first born.
Families usually set the dolls out in mid-February to commemorate the day because it was once thought that dolls had the power to hold in bad spirits. Originally, the dolls were displayed and then thrown into the river so that troubles and bad spirits would be washed away. Now it is just customary to put the dolls away at the end of March 3rd. (Otherwise, is it said that those who procrastinate will have their daughters marry late in life.)


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